Nov 7, 2013

Countdown to 30: Day 2

Getting so close!!!

The year was 2011-2012 - Gosh, how is it not STILL 2012?  Where in the world did 2013 go?!

The 2011 year had started off rocky, but ended so happily!  Tim and I were in a strong relationship with a great future.  Olivia loved Mr. Tim.  He started off as Mr. Tim because this is how I introduced her to him.  It was the cutest thing ever and he loved it too.

Around December 2011, the decision was made for Tim to move in with us.  He was going to be a financial help as well as an emotional and physical piece of our puzzle.  He was great filling in anytime I needed a handy man, he cleaned all the time, and didn't mind watching Olivia when I needed some time away.  It almost seemed to good to be true and it all unfolded so quickly.  I guess the second time around you know know.

Happy Couple!
Melt my heart!

Christmas 2011 - (There was a mistake from the last blog post.)  This would be the last Christmas we all spent together at Granny's house with Granny.  More on that later.

Olivia's Elf: Chippy

Around January 2012 I took a giant leap of faith and booked a cruise!  It was going to be a party of 10... me and Tim rooming together.  We had only been dating for 6 months and now I was booking a cruise with him 6 months away!  I remember Andrea and I going through all the scenarios of what ifs if Tim and I didn't make it.  Hahaha!  

Happy New Year!
March 2012
First roller coaster!

Mommy actually dislikes carousels

April 2012

Oliva's 4th Birthday!

The crazy combo unit!
 With Olivia's birthday being May 1, you can never predict the weather.  This year it was decent enough to have a waterslide/bounce house combo.  It was also Olivia's first year to invite students from her classroom.

Backing up a bit: This school year, 2011/2012, Olivia embarked on her very first year of Public School!  My school district has a program where teacher kids/grandkids can attend Pre-K at age 3 and age 4 for a discounted rate.  The students are in an inclusion room with Special Education/Disabled students.  I was very apprehensive, but it was cheaper than daycare and she was going to be learning in a public school system where the curriculum was going to help prepare her for Kindergarten!  My little Peanut looked SO big on her first day of school.
August 2011 - Age 3
September 2011 - age 4
Little did I know that her teacher would become one of my very best friends!  Olivia THRIVED in her new environment and quickly became the "little blonde sassy pants in Pre-K".  I can't imagine where she gets it from.

Olivia and Miss Henson - May 2012

June 2012 - Well, let's just say it was a big month!  Here is my excerpt from a previous post:

June 27, 2012 

Tim asked Rex if he would watch Olivia because he wanted to take me ring shopping.  There had been many talks of marriage, what kind of ring I wanted, big wedding or small, etc.  Yet, I was ecstatic to actually be looking and trying ON wedding rings!  Ah!  We found ourselves at Zale's looking at all of the traditional wedding rings and settings.  I wasn't satisfied.  I wanted something unique without being too flashy.  After not finding much we moved down to the men's bands.  Tim found one he loved and was perfectly happy.  Well, next to the man's wedding bands were the woman's bands.  I looked down and was floored.  There was a simple brushed white gold ring surrounded by two rows of diamonds.  It was the one.  I didn't care that it wasn't big and flashy or that it wasn't a solitaire type stone; I knew it was the one for my finger. 
We purchased the rings and put a rush order on mine to be ready on Tuesday, July 3.  Well, I was going to be in Oklahoma that week so I knew he still had the upper hand on when he would propose or even let me see my ring. 

 Much to my surprise and elation, Tim was just as excited as I was! 

July 5, 2012

When I came home from Oklahoma, Tim wanted me to try on the ring because he felt it was going to be too small.  I happily obliged but informed him that if I tried on the ring, his chances of getting it back off my finger were slim.  And well, it was true.  Tim told me he didn't want me to take the ring off; I was ecstatic!  It was finally MINE and on MY finger to STAY!  The only issue was he hadn't proposed.  At that moment, I didn't care.  We were both so excited and instantly made it public to the world (via Facebook, of course!).  I told him he had until midnight to ask me to marry him or else.  Now, did I really have an 'or else' in mind?  Of course not.

11:25pm - Tim stated, "I want to live the rest of my life with you." 
To which I responded, "I'll be right here."

Soon I will have the honor of being Mrs. Timothy Neatherlin.

July 2012 - It was CRUISE TIME and I had a RING on my FINGER!!!  Tim and I had made it! ;)  The 10 of us (5 couples!) all set out on Galveston for a Carnival cruise!  There were lots of newbies and we were all very excited to spend the time together!  It was an AMAZING time and from the moment I stepped OFF the boat, I wanted back ON!
We all had shirts made to match!
All 10 of us ready for the beach!
August 2012 - Little did I know this would be my last year teaching in a traditional classroom.  I was entering my 12th month of graduate school with an expected completion of May 2013.  I was ready to further my career and devoted a lot of time to making connections, reaching out to various other opportunities, etc.  I knew my dream would come true eventually!

Around this time Tim and I picked the Dallas Arboretum as our wedding spot!  The day was going to be October 20, 2012.  Yes, that was not very far away and it was the perfect way to do it.  Not too much stress, very personal, very small, and somewhere we can always go back to visit!

In early September 2012 my little cousin Amy got married!  We traveled with Mom, Andrea, the girls, and Granny down to Conroe, Texas.  This was the first big car trip for the girls and they did great!  The wedding was gorgeous and so much fun!  My Granny was pushing the girls around on her scooter/walker.  She was laughing and making jokes.  She was dancing and being her own beautiful self. 

Granny pushing Olivia around on the walker.
Mom and Granny
About 4 weeks later she fell and hit her head.  She ended up going to the ER for a cat scan.  With much surprise, Granny had Brain Cancer.  She had a tumor growing on her brain that there was nothing that could be done for her.  It was devastating.  It was heart breaking.  It was a strong woman who was going to be taken away way too soon. 

 As soon as Andrea and I received the news that it was cancer, we got in the car at 4am and drove to be by her side.  My Aunt was driving in from Houston and my Mom was on vacation in Colorado.  It was a very special day to spend by her side.  Things went down hill quickly.

October 2012 was the big month!

It started with a painting party for my Bachelorette Party!

And then the big day! October 20, 2012 I married my best friend!  I married someone my daughter would call Daddy!

I wish I could share all 200 pictures... they are so hard to choose the perfect ones.. they were all perfect!

It was such a magical day... that of course went by way too fast!

Memory Chair - Granny was too sick to make it to the wedding :(
Halloween 2012 -

Yes, she's wearing an Easter dress.
Olivia and HER Miss Henson!
Happy Halloween!
I can't believe it... I've made it this far!  One more post showcasing this current year... and then... it happens.  I enter my 30s.  What a ride it has been!

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