Jul 12, 2012

Our Story...

June 9, 2011 

 I had been focusing on putting my heart-broken pieces back into a whole and decided I was ready to date again.  I was settled in Texas, I was happy with my job, and I was happy with myself. 
The first week of Summer School had just ended and Andrea and I were ready to celebrate.  We discovered that Rex had gone out for the night to Twin Peaks with his sister's family and his friend, Tim.  Now, I had met Tim a few times but never in a setting where we actually talked with each other.  It didn't provoke any thoughts except me getting a nice cold beer after a long week.  So, Andrea and I lined up a babysitter and sat out to crash 'man time'.  When we got there we decided it would be a great place to scout out men.  So, we sat next to one another with Rex and Tim on the other side of the table.  Well, this man, Tim, was in my way of all the guys sitting around the restaurant.  Therefore, we had to rely on Andrea's eyes to scope out the prey.  

After some small conversations I discovered Tim was single.  I instantly began thinking of who I could set this nice man up with.  Andrea and I snapped his picture and sent it off to one of our single friends.  Yet, she was already mingling with someone else and was not interested.  There was also no one in the restaurant that I was interested in, nor did I really want to strike up a conversation with anyone after a few too many beers.
After a few hours, Andrea and I decided we should probably go home.  Well, really, Andrea decided I needed to be cut off and she was taking me home, but you know, whatever.  Before leaving the table I quickly grabbed Rex's full beer and gave Tim a sideways glance.  He caught my eye, raised his own glass, and challenged me to chug Rex's beer.   I quickly accepted and completed the challenge right along with him.
Well, it may not be the most romantic first encounter/meeting, but it definitely sparked what was a lot more to come!

The next day (after some serious sleep!) I was at the Kleckner's and informed Rex that his friend Tim was actually pretty cute and pretty nice even though he had "forced" me to drink his beer.  So, we invited Tim over for dinner, which he accepted.  Of course this was a very impromptu dinner and I looked hideous!  Not to mention my then three year old was running around somewhere in just her underwear, I'm sure.  So, after the Deibler girls made themselves presentable we made it through a remotely peaceful dinner.  Olivia took very quickly to Mr. Tim and was even asking him for sips of his drink.  Mr. Tim couldn't really tell her no, so he would let her take a sip and then quickly wipe off his glass/straw where her mouth had been.  This still makes me laugh.

Rex eventually shared my number with Tim and I also received his number.  Let it be known, though, that I made the first move/text!  The texts never stopped and soon we were texting nonstop on a daily basis. 

 June 18, 2011

 I had just completed my GRE Exam to be accepted in Graduate School.  This, of course, called for a celebration!  I gathered a group of friends, the Kleckners, and Tim to have a celebratory dinner.
 Like the gentleman he is, Tim was quick to inform me of how beautiful I looked.  This guy already made me giddy and it had only been a week!  We had a nice group dinner at Chuy's and then went to the Londoner to hang out.  I guess this is where Tim felt more comfortable because I soon noticed a hand on my back, a hand reaching for mine, etc.  I was back in romance-land; butterflies in my stomach, rapid heartbeat, and sweaty palms.  This guy was getting to me!

After a long evening, Tim and I spent a good two hours talking in the Kleckner's driveway about anything we could.  It was wonderful and so carefree.

This is also the night I received my first kiss from the last guy I'll ever kiss.

The relationship took off quickly.  We saw each other almost nightly.  The text messages were sent and received all day, every day.  It was a perfect friendship and most importantly, he wanted to be around Olivia.  Mr. Tim was her main squeeze and she loved it.  Finally someone was around who would PLAY with her nonstop!

My parents knew of Tim almost immediately.  Tim was a little bit more reserved with his.  I believe it was October before his parents even knew of me.  From what I was told, his Mom was already in love with us before she even met me and Olivia.  She knew her Timothy was happy and that was all that mattered.  Tim's family is a huge part of his life and I am so very grateful that they have accepted Olivia and me with such open hearts and arms.  It has been a huge blessing.

Tim moved in with Olivia and me in January 2012.  It was a decision that was prayed over, planned out, and was a blessing to both me and Olivia.  Things were very calm and almost as if nothing had even changed.  I loved having someone else in the house.  I loved having someone who was so very helpful to me and Olivia.  I also loved that Tim had someone to come home to.  

As the months went on, I knew I wanted nothing more than to be married to Tim.  We had the best time together all the time.  He was my best friend and someone I knew I never wanted to be apart from.  Olivia would occasionally slip with the "Daddy" word, which just melted all of us.  Tim was no longer wiping his straw/cup after she drank from it.  He was actually even wiping her nose with his shirt!  That was the very best parent moment, ever!  It was like a graduation moment!  

June 27, 2012 

Tim asked Rex if he would watch Olivia because he wanted to take me ring shopping.  There had been many talks of marriage, what kind of ring I wanted, big wedding or small, etc.  Yet, I was ecstatic to actually be looking and trying ON wedding rings!  Ah!  We found ourselves at Zale's looking at all of the traditional wedding rings and settings.  I wasn't satisfied.  I wanted something unique without being too flashy.  After not finding much we moved down to the men's bands.  Tim found one he loved and was perfectly happy.  Well, next to the man's wedding bands were the woman's bands.  I looked down and was floored.  There was a simple brushed white gold ring surrounded by two rows of diamonds.  It was the one.  I didn't care that it wasn't big and flashy or that it wasn't a solitaire type stone; I knew it was the one for my finger. 
We purchased the rings and put a rush order on mine to be ready on Tuesday, July 3.  Well, I was going to be in Oklahoma that week so I knew he still had the upper hand on when he would propose or even let me see my ring. 

 Much to my surprise and elation, Tim was just as excited as I was! 

July 5, 2012

When I came home from Oklahoma, Tim wanted me to try on the ring because he felt it was going to be too small.  I happily obliged but informed him that if I tried on the ring, his chances of getting it back off my finger were slim.  And well, it was true.  Tim told me he didn't want me to take the ring off; I was ecstatic!  It was finally MINE and on MY finger to STAY!  The only issue was he hadn't proposed.  At that moment, I didn't care.  We were both so excited and instantly made it public to the world (via Facebook, of course!).  I told him he had until midnight to ask me to marry him or else.  Now, did I really have an 'or else' in mind?  Of course not.

11:25pm - Tim stated, "I want to live the rest of my life with you." 
To which I responded, "I'll be right here."

Soon I will have the honor of being Mrs. Timothy Neatherlin.


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