Well... not really babes, just Olivia.
Two conversations tonight had me giggling inside... but not outside, because she was so serious.
The first one took place in the car...
Olivia: I'm broken.
Me: You're broken?
Olivia: Yeah
Me: Where are you broken?
Olivia: Right there (points to neck) on O's neck. It's broken.
Me: Oh, I'm so sorry.
Olivia: Fix it, Mommy.
Me: How does Mommy fix it?
Olivia: Put batteries in it.
Next, when we got home, during a diaper change.
Olivia: Need medicine down there.
Me: You need medicine on your bottom?
Olivia: Yeah, I help.
Me: Okay, here. (I put a tiny drop of Desitin on her finger)
Olivia: O eat it?
Mommy: NO! Please don't ever eat it!
Olivia: On tacos?
Mommy: On tacos?
Olivia: Is it sour cream?
Love her dearly!