So the ongoing thing between my sister and I is to see who can go the longest without posting... haha, just kidding.
Life is just so crazy!
I promise the end of this post will be loaded with pictures of all the said events.
Olivia loves her food! So far, we are up to cereal, carrots, green beans, and peas. We were supposed to start on squash, but Auntie A never made it. ;) But she did make carrots this weekend for Olivia to enojy! She is not too keen on peas, but loves her carrots. In about two weeks or so we will start on fruit and oatmeal!
This little girl loves to laugh! We get to enjoy so many big belly laughs. Her hair is finally growing in. Yet, the girl with 32 bows still has to wear headbands! :)
Since my last post, Olivia's ears are now peirced. For those that know me, you knew I couldn't wait till 6 months! Of course she cried and I got a lot of dirty looks, but we have not had any problems. No infections, etc. She has also moved into a big girl carseat! She got tired of her carrier because she couldn't sit up like she wanted to. And basically, the kid got too heavy to lug around!
We also helped Grandpa celebrate his 80th birthday party!
Olivia and I made the trek to Dallas this weekend. All alone! Can you believe the 'I hate carrides girl' slept all the way there and back!? It was great for Mommy! It was a whirlwind trip and I feel I need a vacation from the vacation.
On Thursday we met up with Andrea for lunch and then out to dinner with Unc, Auntie, Olivia, myself, and some of Andrea's friends. Friday Olivia and I helped corral Andrea's kids into an art/science project. They loved Olivia. It was too cute. Then Friday night a whole herd, correct words would be stroller herd, headed to the Texas Fair. It was great fun and a little crazy. But you can never go wrong with a corny dog and a fried smores! :)
Saturday was a day filled with shopping! Olivia came back with a lot of loot! I love Carter's and Once Upon a Child. Those two places you can find so much stuff and really good sales! She is pretty well outfitted for fall/winter. We also went garage saleing at a neighborhood garage sale. Besides Andrea taking us to the same garage sales eighteen times, it was great fun. Haha, love you sister!
Olivia also visited her first Pumpkin Patch. She was too busy people watching and getting fussy to get great pictures, but I believe they turned out well. She also is now sporting a new knitted beanie. (Pictures to follow).
Then out for a great dinner and a long car ride to Johnny Carino's. Wonderful food.
Sunday we headed home. We took our time getting back; stopping in Gainesville (where Mommy found some clothes!) and also in Davis, OK for some Fried Pies! I highly recommend them! :)
That was our crazy and rushed feeling trip to Texas! The Kleckners will be here next month for my birthday, so that will be fun!
Olivia's next doctor's appt. is December 5. I promise to post before then! HAHA.